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BCConnector module to let your application easily interface/connect to the D365 Business Central ERP through any API.

It use OAuth 2.0 and Bearer HTTP request to interface and get informations.


Please do the configuration in order (top to bottom). Every step is required and must be done in order. If not, you will get connection issues and errors.


Tenant ID: Enter the tenant ID of Business Central. It is located in the URL when you access Business Central.

OAuth 2.0 Configuration

Client ID: xxxxxxx

Client Secret: xxxxxxx

Validate OAuth: Click the validate OAuth button to validate your login information and create a token.

Important! : Save the config before continuing

Environment configuration connection

Endpoint: This is the default url for the API - You have to change this for your own url if your in a onPrem environment.

API URL: End of the url / endpoint for the main api you want to call. If you use our BC eCommerce module suite, you have to leave it at "api/era/ecommerce/v2.0/". This can be changed and customized per specific call directly in the code if needed.

Environment Name: You can find it in Business Central. It's in the URL or in the top-right of the dashboard.

Company ID: If everything has been configured correctly in the previous fields, you just need to click the Select Company button. It will open the following screen where you can choose a company. The company ID will be entered automatically.

Important! : Save the config

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