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This guide outlines the configuration settings available in the BC Price Module for Magento 2. The module integrates your Magento store with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (BC), enabling dynamic price synchronization, especially for B2B environments.

Enable module

In order to activate the BC Live Orders module, go to BC Connector > Price > General and simply select Yes for Enable field.

B2B Configuration

B2B Price: Toggle to enable B2B price synchronization. Note: This feature requires the AbstractB2BPrice module to be installed.

B2B Discount: Toggle to enable the synchronization of B2B discounts. Similar to B2B Price, this function requires the AbstractB2BPrice module.

Contact Inheritance: Toggle to enable the inheritance of prices and discounts for contacts, allowing customers to receive their parent entity's pricing and discounts.

Level Type Mapping: Define the mapping of BC price levels to Magento customer groups in JSON format. This allows for complex pricing strategies where different customer groups see different prices.

Price / Discount Cron Configuration

Enable Recurring Sync: Toggle to enable or disable automatic recurring synchronization of prices.

Cron - Frequency: Set the cron job frequency for price synchronization using standard cron format.

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